Vida Volunteer

Agency Name VIDA Volunteer
Categories Animals,Children/Youth,Education,Elderly,International,Medical & Wellness, Service Learning
Contact Name Eduardo Castillo
Agency Email
Agency Address 2612 South Arlington Mill Drive, Unit C, Arlington, VA 22206-3360 United States
Agency Phone Phone: (888) 365 8432 Fax: (281) 823 7593  
Web Address
Office Hours M-F, 7-4 pm, cst
Distance from Campus Out of State
Nearest Bus Lines
Mission Statement To promote health by bringing together the efforts of communities, students, and the local healthcare systems.
Volunteer Duties To be an active and responsible member of Volunteer Campus Club, to travel with Vida and UCSC to Central America (optional), to study the medical, veterinary, or dental manuals that you will receive as well as participation in any pre-trip meeting activity with our Vida Campus Coordinator. For more specific tasks and information about the programs, please visit or contact your campus coordinator at

The Vida Campus Club usually hosts one service learning trip for pre-med, pre-dental, and pre-vet students during the summer. The more voluntters the better, so please email us or Vida directly with questions or interest!

Updated 6/29/18